Bluebell Panorama with a new Fuji GFX
Read MoreInfrared in Colour 590nm
Over the past month I have been experimenting with colour infrared shot at 590 nm (nanometers). I recently purchased a Fuji X100 converted camera which allows me to shoot in a normal way with a custom white balance. This results in images that can been seen immediately in the back of the camera at normal apertures and shutter speeds. With a simple conversion in photoshop changing the red and blue channels you get back to normals blue skies and an infrared landscape. Although not to everyones taste it allows you to shoot at the brightest times of the day therefore extending your photographic opportunities. With a small infrared camera in you bag at all times you have the possibility to see the world in a different light, literally.
Read MoreThe mist at last
I have been waiting around 8 months for mist. Each morning I expectantly look out the window and nothing. I have mist apps and alerts programmed into the phone in case it happens but it has not. Then last week on the 12th August I peered out at 6.00 in the morning and there it was. All my equipment was ready and I raced to our local woodland Idless. I was in the carpark by 6.30 and had it all to myself before all the rowdy dog walkers arrived. The tranquility was bliss and images were jumping out at me from all directions. I managed to capture about 20 images over a 3 our period and woodland photography became much easier with just that separation between foreground and background. I am now waiting for the next appearance so I can experiment somewhere else (Ladock).
Hofstadir Church
Beautiful Iceland
What an amazing photography trip to the very beautiful Iceland. If you are a photographer this is a must go location. Half the size of the UK with a population under 500,000 you always feel like you are in the wilderness. Everywhere you go has stunning scenery and each location is radically different from the last. It is cold, while we there it was -19 so you must be well prepared. Travelling in a group is also a good idea as you can share driving and it feels a bit safer if you have problems. We stayed in Akureyri which was a good base to travel around the north of the country. So if in doubt, don’t worry buy a ticket and get out there you may even see the northern lights!
Infrared Photography
I have been shooting Infrared images for some time with a filter, but recently I had a simple camera converted, the Canon Rebel 1200D. It’s already produced some great results and gives me the opportunity to shoot more images outside of sunrise and sunset. Strong sunlight and midday blue skies make it possible to shoot stunning images. This image was taken at the lizard in Cornwall using a panoramic technic. The Grass looks like snow and blue skies come out black. A technique that’s well worth trying either with a Infrared filter or with a converted camera.
Shop is live
After a period of testing the shop at is now live and selling limited edition prints at great prices. Come and take a look and find an item that would look great on your wall. If you would like a portrait of your own in an unusual composite image drop me a line.
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